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With this membership you gain instant access to hundreds of Science Duo resources (including all new exclusive resources and updates). Come join us and let's work together to bring high-quality, engaging, and interactive activities into your classroom.
5th Grade Science Review Booklet (NEW TEKS)
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This Science Review Booklet covers all NEW TEKS for 5th Grade Science to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with STAAR-formatted checkpoint questions (2.0 questions also included) and an answer key. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 5th grade science concepts before the end of the year. (All pages are 100% editable.)
6th Grade Science Review Booklet (NEW TEKS)
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This Science Review Booklet covers all NEW TEKS for 6th Grade Science to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with STAAR-formatted checkpoint questions (2.0 questions also included) and an answer key. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 6th grade science concepts before the end of the year. (All pages are 100% editable.)
7th Grade Science Review Booklet (NEW TEKS)
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This Science Review Booklet covers all NEW TEKS for 7th Grade Science to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with STAAR-formatted checkpoint questions (2.0 questions also included) and an answer key. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 7th grade science concepts before the end of the year. (All pages are 100% editable.)
8th Grade Science Review Booklet (NEW TEKS)
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This Science Review Booklet covers all NEW TEKS for 8th Grade Science to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with STAAR-formatted checkpoint questions (2.0 questions also included) and an answer key. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 8th grade science concepts before the end of the year. (All pages are 100% editable.)
Scientific Investigations
Never Create a Science Lab From Scratch Ever Again
This Scientific Investigations Bundle will include 60+ interactive and engaging investigations once it is fully complete. Currently 51 of 60+ investigations are completed.

S.C.I.E.N.C.E. Station Labs Bundle
63 Differentiated and Student-Led Station Labs
This S.C.I.E.N.C.E. Station Lab Bundle is designed to get your students engaged, collaborating, and moving in your daily science lesson. This bundle includes 63 different interactive, differentiated, and student-led S.C.I.E.N.C.E. Station labs covering 9 units of study. Each station provides a different method for reinforcing important science content. All stations correlate to a task that is represented by a letter in the word SCIENCE. These stations will have students Summarize, Create, Interpret, Experiment, Navigate, Challenge, and Extend.
Warm-Up Bundle
62 Weeks of Standards-Based Warm-Ups
This bundle of science warm-ups and bell ringers is an engaging way to get your students to focus on important science content immediately. This resource covers an entire year of concepts and is the perfect way to start class each and every day with your middle school or early high school students. Never worry about the first few minutes of class again.
5th Grade Warm-Up Bundle
37 Weeks of TEKS-Aligned Warm-Ups
This resource contains 37 complete weeks (185 days) of science warm-ups. These warm-ups are 100% aligned with the 5th Grade Science TEKS and include a variety of question formats. This download has a full size version of each warm-up (8.5 inch X 11 inch paper) AND an Interactive Notebook format. The notebook version will conserve paper. Also included are digital versions for PowerPoint or Google Slides of each warm-up for distance learning.
Science Literacy Bundle
62 Differentiated Articles with Editable Question Companions
This Science Literacy Bundle will help to support important science content and reading comprehension for every single one of your students. This bundle includes 62 unique science articles covering a variety of important science concepts.
Interactive Notebook Bundle
Templates and Graphic Organizers
Interactive notebooks are the perfect tool to help students compartmentalize what they have learned. This resource includes 9 units and over 200 student pages.
Science Task Cards
Complete Bundle
These versatile and engaging task card sets cover a huge variety of Life science, Physical science, and Earth and Space science concepts. These task cards are great for sub plans, SCOOT activities, scavenger hunts, review, rotations, stations, partner work, or independent study. They are so much more than a worksheet. Check them out!
Around the Room Circuits
Interactive Activities
Encourage student movement and increase overall student engagement in your classroom while promoting learning with these unique Around the Room Science Circuits.
5th Grade Science Review Booklet
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This STAAR Science Review Booklet bundle includes all 4 Reporting Categories for the 5th Grade Science STAAR Test. Every readiness and supporting TEKS is covered in this booklet. Use this resource to help your students review important concepts before the end-of-year test.
6th Grade Science Review Booklet
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This 6th Grade Science Review Booklet bundle includes 4 Reporting Categories and covers all readiness and supporting TEKS. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with a 2 page quick checkpoint with answer key. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 6th grade science concepts before the end of the year.

7th Grade Science Review Booklet
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This 7th Grade Science Review Booklet bundle includes 4 Reporting Categories and covers all readiness and supporting TEKS. 2 versions of the booklet are included with purchase - completed and fill-in. The booklet also comes with 4 quick checkpoints with answer keys. Use this resource to help your students review and learn important 7th grade science concepts before the end of the year.

8th Grade Science Review Booklet
Comprehensive TEKS Review
This STAAR Science Review Booklet bundle includes all 4 Reporting Categories for the 8th Grade Science STAAR Test. Every readiness and supporting TEKS is covered in this booklet. Use this resource to help your students review important concepts before the end-of-year test.
Exit Ticket Bundle
Data-Driven Formative Assessments
Science Exit Tickets (Exit Slips) are the perfect formative assessment activity for your students. They are quick, easy to use, and data driven. This resource contains 9 different units of exit ticket activities. These slips are great to use at the beginning or end of a lesson, for concept reinforcement, stations, class reviews, or in small groups/tutorials. There are 2 versions included in this resource - Color and Black/White.
Domino Review Bundle
28 Interactive Sets
This bundle includes 28 sets relating to a variety of Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science, and Space Science concepts. These activities are a great way to practice and reinforce vocabulary and key concepts with students. Try using these for individual study, partner work, stations, rotations, or review.

PowerPoint and Notes Bundle
Differentiated PowerPoints and Notes
Introduce important science concepts with this PowerPoint and notes bundle! This resource contains 92 PowerPoints with 2 versions of student notes pages - full size and interactive notebook format. ALL TEXT IS 100% EDITABLE! These activities are perfect to use within your classroom when beginning a new unit or key concept.

Homework Bundle
94 Activity Sheets with Digital Options
These 94 homework assignments include a variety of question formats and are a perfect way for students to practice the concepts taught in class. Use these sheets as homework, assessments, or even emergency substitute plans. (Google Forms and Digital Versions also included.)
Vocabulary Sort Bundle
40 Activities with Differentiated Student Sheets
Help your students grasp and retain key Science vocabulary with this 40 set bundle. Each vocabulary sort comes with 3 different student answer sheets to meet the needs of your individual students or classes and an answer key. These vocabulary sorts are the perfect activity or intervention for your ESL or ELL students. Use these resources as a "hook" or pre-assessment at the beginning of a new unit of study or for stations, warm-ups, or tutorials.

Blitz Bundle
Vocabulary Retention Games
This Science Blitz Bundle focuses on retaining vocabulary in an engaging and interactive method. This resource contains 9 units of study and hundreds of cards for use while playing this game.
Card Sort Bundle
Hands-On Sorting Activities
Challenge your students to differentiate between and categorize various examples of key science concepts.
These sorts are great for review, stations, rotations, partner work, or independent study for your tactile/kinesthetic learners.

I Have, Who Has Bundle
20 Interactive Sets
This bundle of 20 resources covers a large variety of Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth Science topics. Use these activities to assess your students’ level of understanding of important science concepts. I Have, Who Has activities are perfect for engaging all of your learners and creating meaningful class conversations.

Word Wall Bundle
475 Key Terms in Multiple Formats
This Science Word Wall Bundle will allow you to display essential terms from your units of study in a visually appealing way. Post these words on the board or wall when learning new content or reviewing important standards. Word walls are a great way to help your students retain vocabulary throughout the year.
8th Grade STAAR Review Task Cards
All 4 Reporting Categories and 220 Task Cards
This interactive bundle of task cards covers all readiness and supporting TEKS for 8th Grade Science. Each set of task cards (4 total sets) includes 2 versions of the student recording sheet - full size and interactive notebook size (answer key also provided). Teacher reference guides are also included which detail every readiness and supporting standard and list the task cards that cover each standard. Use these task card sets to help your students review and learn important science concepts before the end of the year.
5th Grade STAAR Review Task Cards
All 4 Reporting Categories and 156 Task Cards
This interactive bundle of task cards covers all readiness and supporting TEKS for 5th Grade Science. Each set of task cards (4 total sets) includes 2 versions of the student recording sheet - full size and interactive notebook size (answer key also provided). Teacher reference guides are also included which detail every readiness and supporting standard and list the task cards that cover each standard. Use these task card sets to help your students review and learn important science concepts before the end of the year.
Science Assessment Bundle
63 Unique and Fully Editable Assessments
This Science Assessments Bundle will help to support important science content while offering effective summative assessments for your students. Each of the topics comes with a fully editable pre-made assessment and 2 versions of the answer key - complete and quick check formats. A variety of question formats are included - multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, true/false, and short response. Also included with each topic is a question bank containing 40-65 editable questions and answers. You are free to add, remove, or modify any of the questions to fit your needs.
Interactive Notebook Bundle - 5th Grade TEKS Aligned
Includes 7 Complete Notebooks with Answer Keys
Bring engaging and interactive activities into your classroom with these science notebook pages. This resource contains 7 different interactive notebooks covering all 5th grade readiness and supporting TEKS. These activities are great to use for vocabulary practice, concept reinforcement, independent study, class reviews, or in small groups/tutorials.
PowerPoint and Notes Bundle - 5th Grade TEKS Aligned
Covers all 5th grade readiness and supporting TEKS
Introduce important science concepts with this PowerPoint and notes bundle! This resource contains 29 PowerPoints covering all 5th grade readiness and supporting TEKS. These activities are perfect to use within your classroom when beginning a new unit or key concept. This bundle contains 29 PowerPoints with 2 versions of student notes pages - full size and interactive notebook format! ALL TEXT IS 100% EDITABLE!
8th Grade Science STAAR Escape Room Bundle
The 8th grade science STAAR escape room bundle is a set of four immersive experiences for your students. It allows them to demonstrate their knowledge of many different science topics in a fun and engaging way as they prepare for the STAAR test.
All of the readiness standards are covered, along with many of the supporting TEKS.
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6.8B - Energy Transformations Bundle
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7.7D - Newton's 1st Law Bundle
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8.8B - Electromagnetic Waves Bundle
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7.7B - Speed and Velocity Bundle
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6.7C - Newton's 3rd Law of Motion Bundle
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8.9A - Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram Bundle
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8.9A - Life Cycle of Stars Bundle
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8.9B - Galaxies Bundle