Task Card Activities

Top 3 Uses

  • Review or Reteach Days

    Task cards will be chosen over a worksheet by students every time.  No doubt about it. Use task cards on test review days or reteach days and create a class competition (i.e. boys vs. girls or one side of the class vs. the other side).

  • Rotations

    Place the cards around the room on desks, tables, or counter tops. Set a timer and allow students to freely rotate to all of the cards and answer each question.  There's just something about getting up and moving around that the students enjoy!

  • Tutorials

    Task cards are so easy to set up, so be sure to have different sets ready to go for different students.  This allows each student to receive a meaningful and worthwhile intervention.  It's also much more interactive than going through a PowerPoint...no more boring tutoring sessions!

Topics Included

Science Teacher Testimonials

  • "I teach integrated science, physical science, and life science this year, so I find myself using these ALL the time. They are a great review for students, they show me what each individual student understands, and the students love doing task card stations! Great resource, thank you." - RST

  • "I love this product and use these cards on a regular basis. They are great for review as well as seeing where my students need additional help. I will tape them up around the room to get my students up and moving- fantastic resource! Money well spent!" - J.B.

  • "These are great for warm-ups, review and vocabulary practice and my students will like that they can track their own performance on them with the answer sheets and answer keys. Great!" - K.J.

Need More Information?

Check out the Details Below!

All sets come with the following:

-Student recording sheets (PDF and editable version)

-Google form of student recording sheet

-Answer Key for teacher reference (PDF and editable version)

-Editable task card template to add your own questions

Adaptations and Natural Selection Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Charles Darwin and Natural Selection

-Instinct vs. Learned Behaviors

-Camouflage and Mimicry with examples

-Structural, Behavioral, and Physiological Adaptations

-Key Vocabulary (ex. hibernation, adaptation, migration, predator, prey, and more)

Atoms, Elements, and Molecules Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Counting atoms of a specific element

-Counting total atoms within a compound

-Counting the number of elements in a compound

-Determining the number of molecules of a specific compound

Body Systems Task Cards (Set of 32)

-10 Major Body Systems

-Functions of Body Systems

-Structures of Body Systems

-Body System Interactions

Cells Task Cards (Set of 36)

-Cell Theory

-Parts and Functions of a Cell

-Levels of Organization

-Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

-Unicellular and Multicellular

-Plant and Animal

-Meiosis and Mitosis

-Osmosis, Diffusion, and Turgor Pressure

Chemical Equations and Formulas Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Law of Conservation of Mass

-Products and Reactants

-Balanced/Unbalanced Equations

-Counting atoms practice

Ecosystems and Energy Flow Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Scavengers

-Herbivores, Omnivores, and Carnivores

-Food Chains

-Food Webs

-Energy Pyramids

-Biotic and Abiotic Factors

-Primary and Secondary Succession

-Key Vocabulary terms (ex. ecosystem, habitat, community, etc.)

Energy Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Forms of Energy (7 cards)

-Potential and Kinetic Energy (7 cards)

-Conduction, Convection, and Radiation (6 cards)

-Energy Transformations (10 cards)

-Energy/Energy Transformation and Law of Conservation of Energy Definitions (2 cards)

Force and Motion Task Cards (Set of 52)

-Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

-Net Force

-Force and Motion Vocabulary

-Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

-Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

-Calculating Speed and Force

-Distance/Time Graphs

-Speed/Time Graphs

Genetics Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Gregor Mendel

-Punnett Square Practice

-Inherited vs. Acquired Traits

-Genotype vs. Phenotype

-Dominant vs. Recessive

-Homozygous vs. Heterozygous

-Hybrid vs. Purebred

-Key vocabulary

Periodic Table and Atoms Task Cards (Set of 40)

-Bohr Models

-Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids

-Protons, Electron, and Neutrons

-Atomic Mass and Atomic Number

-Valence Electrons

-Electron Dot Diagram

-Groups and Periods

-Similar Properties of Elements

Plate Tectonics Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Layers of the Earth

-Continental Drift Theory and Alfred Wegener

-Plate Boundaries (ex. Convergent, Divergent, and Transform)

-Sea Floor Spreading

-Diagrams and picture examples

Science Lab Safety Task Cards (Set of 24)

-Handling sharp objects

-The uses of goggles

-Fire Extinguisher

-Fire Blanket

-Eye Wash Station

-Safety Lab Shower

-Proper disposal of chemicals


Scientific Investigation Task Cards (Set of 48)

-Problem, Hypothesis, Investigation, Conclusion

-Observation vs. Inference

-Variables (Control, Dependent, and Independent)

-Length, Mass, Weight, Volume

-Identifying Science Equipment

-Reading a Triple Beam, Graduated Cylinder, Flask, and Beaker

-Water Displacement and LxWxH Volume Calculations

Space Task Cards (Set of 36)

-Types of Galaxies with examples and pictures (Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular)

-Rotation vs. Revolution

-Inner vs. Outer Planets

-Astronomy Key Vocabulary (Telescope, light year, axis, solar system, universe, galaxy, star, etc.)

-Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram


Earth Task Cards-Seasons, Tides, Moon Phases and Eclipses (Set of 40)

-Seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

-Identifying and Predicting Moon Phases

-Lunar Cycle Practice

-Identifying Tides

-Identifying Eclipses

-Rotation/Revolution of Earth

Weather Task Cards (Set of 40)

-Weather Instruments

-Key Vocabulary (Ex. Fronts, Convection, Wind, Air Pressure, El Nino, Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Transpiration, and more!)

Waves Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Waves vocabulary

-Types of waves (transverse, longitudinal, and surface)

-Parts of waves (crest, trough, compression, rarefaction)

-Properties of waves (amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed)

-Interactions of waves (reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference)

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Types of weathering (Mechanical and Chemical)

-Types of erosion (Landslide, mudflow, slump, and creep)

-Landforms formed from deposition (Deltas and alluvial fans)

-Examples of weathering, erosion, and deposition

Simple Machines Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Simple vs. compound machines

-Types of levers

-Types of pulleys

-Examples of all 6 simple machines

Energy Resources Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Renewable and Nonrenewable examples (coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass)

-Pros and Cons of energy resources

-Energy conservation

Classification Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (classification, taxonomy, Carolus Linnaeus, dichotomous key, subspecies, sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, and more)

-Identifying domains and kingdoms

-Identifying characteristics of organisms (unicellular, multicellular, autotroph, heterotroph, prokaryote, eukaryote)

Earthquakes and Volcanoes Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (ex. earthquake, volcano, Richter scale, seismograph, seismologist, volcanologist, focus, epicenter, crater, caldera, vent, and more!)

-Types of faults (Normal, Reverse. and Strike-slip)

-Types of volcanoes (Shield, Composite, and Cinder cone)

-Components of a volcano (Vent, Magma chamber, Ash, Cinders, etc.)

Water Task Cards - Includes Water Cycle, Watersheds, and Water Conservation (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (ex. water cycle, condensation, evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, river, lake, pond, aquifer, watershed, and more!)

-Parts of the water cycle


-Water conservation

Biomes Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying Earth's major biomes (Tundra, Desert, Grassland, Rainforest, Deciduous (temperate) forest, Boreal forest (taiga), Marine water, and Fresh water)

-Identifying characteristics of Earth's biomes

Electromagnetic Spectrum Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying parts of the spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, gamma rays)

-Identifying uses of electromagnetic waves

Thermal Energy Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying examples of conduction, convection, and radiation

-Solids, Liquids, and Gases

-Thermal Equilibrium and Specific Heat

-Conductors vs. Insulators

Planets Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying the inner and out planets

-Identifying characteristics of the inner and outer planets

-Basics of comets, asteroids, meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites

Light and Color Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (ex. light, opaque, translucent, transparent, reflection, refraction, prism, mirage, concave, convex, and more)

-Identifying kinds of objects (opaque, translucent, or transparent)

-Mirrors (plane, concave, and convex)

-Lenses (concave and convex)

-Light and color (primary, secondary, etc.)

Rocks Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentry rock uses and characteristics

-Characteristics of rocks (ex. texture, color, mineral composition)

-Rock cycle basics

Properties of Matter Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (ex. matter, weight, mass, conductivity, ductility, malleability, density, color, hardness, melting point, boiling point, viscosity, magnetism, luster, texture, solubility, and odor)

-Examples of matter

-Identifying chemical and physical properties

-States of matter

-Identifying properties of materials

External and Internal Stimuli Task Cards (Set of 36)

-Key vocabulary (ex. tropism, phototropism, geotropism, hydrotropism, thigmotropism, chemotropism, internal stimulus, external stimulus, homeostasis, and more)

-Identifying tropisms

-Examples of positive and negative tropism

-Stimulus vs. Response

Earth's Tectonic Plates Task Cards (Set of 28)

-Identifying names of tectonic plates

-Identifying locations of tectonic plates

-Identifying types of boundaries at specific locations between tectonic plates

Topographic Maps Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Identifying key parts of topographic maps (i.e. contour lines, contour interval, hachure lines, gentle vs. steep slope, aerial view, profile view, etc.)

-Identifying contour intervals on various maps

-Comparing topographic maps to profile views

-Determining the direction of the flow of water

-Comparing different marked paths

Photosynthesis Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (photosynthesis, cellular respiration, chloroplast, chlorophyll, stomata, producer, autotroph, heterotroph, and more)

-Identifying the chemical formulas for photosynthesis and cellular respiration

-Identifying the key processes of photosynthesis

-Functions of plant roots and stem

-Comparing autotrophs and heterotrophs

-Identifying reactants and products in chemical formulas

Geological Time Scale Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary (relative dating, radioactive decay, fossil, index fossil, eon, extinct species, paleontologist, and more)

-Identifying key characteristics of Earth's eras (i.e. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and Precambrian)

-Identifying key characteristics of Earth's periods (i.e. Quaternary, Tertiary, Jurassic, Triassic, and more)

-Classifying and comparing younger vs. older layers of rock

-Cambrian explosion

-Principles (i.e. Superposition, Cross-Cutting Relationships, Horizontality, Uniformitarianism)

Physical and Chemical Changes Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying characteristics of physical changes and chemical changes

-Physical vs. Chemical changes

-Differentiating between physical and chemical changes in digestion

-Classifying real world examples

Density Task Cards (Set of 32)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying the formula for calculating density

-Manipulating the density formula to solve for mass or volume

-Identifying whether various substances will float or sink when placed in water

-Calculating density of regular and irregular-shaped objects

-Identifying substances based on their densities

Water Cycle Task Cards (Set of 28)

-Key vocabulary (water cycle, precipitation, evaporation, condensation, transpiration, runoff, percolation, groundwater, watershed, convection currents, and more)

-Identifying parts of the water cycle

-Identifying different forms of precipitation

-The importance of the Sun

-Cloud formation and the effect of wind

-The effects of the water cycle on landforms

Properties of Minerals (Set of 24)

-Key vocabulary (Mohs Scale of Hardness, mineral, luster, cleavage, color, streak, reactivity, magnetism, and more)

-Identifying hardness of minerals

-Basics of properties (i.e. luster, color, streak, cleavage, crystal structure, etc.)

-Identifying properties from given scenarios

Rock Cycle (Set of 28)

-Key vocabulary (rock cycle, sediments, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, compaction, magma, lava, convection currents, cementation, and more)

-Identifying the three main types of rocks

-Basics of the rock cycle

-Identifying weathering, erosion, and deposition

-Identifying the differences between mechanical and chemical weathering

-Characteristics of rocks

Electromagnetic Force (Set of 28)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying basics of electromagnetic force

-Static vs. Current electricity

-Basics of magnets

-Basics of circuits

Atmosphere Task Cards (Set of 28)

-Key vocabulary (atmosphere, Greenhouse Effect, Coriolis Effect, convection currents, prevailing winds, jet stream, smog, fronts, weather, climate, and more)

-Identifying the five layers of the atmosphere

-Basics of each atmospheric layer

-Identifying gases in the atmosphere

-Human impact

-Weather vs. Climate

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions (Set of 24)

-Key vocabulary

-Identifying basics of endothermic and exothermic reactions

-Endothermic vs. Exothermic Reactions

-Basics of chemical reactions

-Physical vs. Chemical Changes

Non-Contact Forces (Set of 28)

-Key vocabulary (force, non-contact force, force field, gravity, etc.)

-Identifying basics of non-contact forces

-Basics of gravitational, magnetic, and electrical force

-Centripetal vs. Centrifugal forces

Convection on Earth (Set of 28)

-Identifying the driving force for convection on Earth

-Warm vs. Cool air molecule diagrams

-Identifying the direction of movement of warm and cool ocean currents

-Land breeze vs. Sea breeze diagrams

-Basics of convection in Earth's oceans and atmosphere

Elements that Comprise Earth (Set of 32)

-Identifying elements that comprise Earth's crust, oceans, and atmosphere

-Analyzing circle graphs and bar graphs

-Determining abundance of elements that make up Earth

-Law of Conservation of Mass basics

Want to Increase Student Engagement?

Task cards require minimal setup. Just print, cut, and go. Your students will love them!

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